Elsmere, Delaware Building Codes

Updated : 04/22/2024


The town of Elsmere, Del. adopts and enforces the following codes:

  • The International Building Code, 2000 edition. Elsmere, Del. Muni. Code § 76-6 (adopted) with § 76-8 (amendments).
  • The International Residential Code, 2000 edition. Elsmere, Del. Muni. Code § 76-9 (adopted) with § 76-10 (amendments).
Helpful resources for Elsmere, Delaware include the following.

Residential Building Code

Delaware has yet to adopt a statewide residential code. Local laws will control.See PLRB, Delaware Building Codes for more information on state level codes.

Elsmere adopted the 2000 IRC, locally. Note that adoptions usually come with amendments. So, it is important to review those amendments in addition to the unamended model code.

You can find a copy of the model code here.

You can find information about amendments to the model code here.

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See Gen.code(Town of Elsmere , DE § 76-6 Adoption of Building Code.)

...of Appendix A Appendix B Appendix D Appendix L and Appendix M as published by International Code Council Inc be and is hereby adopted as the Building Code of the Town of Elsmere for the control of...

Drip Edge

Drip Edge: No

Ice Barrier


The town of Elsmere, Del. adopts and enforces the International Residential Code, 2000 edition. The town also adopted the “2001 Supplement to International Codes”. Elsmere, Del. Muni. Code § 76-9 (adopted) with § 76-10 (amendments).

Commercial Building Code

Elsmere adopted a code that is yet to be identified .Please contact PLRB if you would like us to research this for you.You can find information about amendments to the model code here.

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. See Gen.code(Town of Elsmere , DE § 159-6 Permit revocation.)

...addressed to his or her residence address set forth in the application The permit shall become and void immediately on service of the notice of revocation Receipt of a revocation notice sent by...


The town of Elsmere, Del. adopts and enforces the International Building Code, 2000 edition. The town also adopted the “2001 Supplement to International Codes”. Elsmere, Del. Muni. Code § 76-6 (adopted) with § 76-8 (amendments).

Other Building Codes

The state also adopted the following codes:

  • The International Plumbing Code, 2000 edition. Newark, Del. Muni. Code § 76-11 (adopted) with § 76-12 (amendments).
  • The International Mechanical Code, 2000 edition. Newark, Del. Muni. Code § 76-13 (adopted) with § 76-14 (amendments).
  • The International Fuel Gas Code, 2000 edition. Newark, Del. Muni. Code § 76-15 (adopted) with § 76-16 (amendments).
  • The International Property Maintenance Code, 2000 edition. Newark, Del. Muni. Code § 171-5 (adopted) with § 171-6 (amendments).